My name is Justin Klekota, your neighbor in Somerville, Vaccine Researcher, co-author of the Green New Deal for Massachusetts Now endorsed by the Massachusetts Democratic Party, and your Democratic State Committeeman representing the Second Middlesex District covering Somerville, Medford, Cambridge & Winchester. I am honored to serve as your Democratic State Committeeman, and it would be an honor to be re-elected to serve you another four years!
We are facing unprecedented challenges in the climate crisis, housing affordability, and economic inequality. We need to reduce our carbon emissions, fund our schools, city services, and housing affordable to all, and build a healthier, greener economy of the future.
Originally from Ohio, I grew up in a blue collar community next to an affordable housing development and moved to Massachusetts seeking education and economic opportunity. As a grandson of a farmer and a union steel worker and son of parents who were the first in their families to go to college, I understand the importance of affordable education and lifelong job opportunities to sustain families and our economy. Since completing my doctorate at Harvard, I have committed myself to medical research and preventing disease through cutting-edge research into treatments for breast and gynecologic cancer and life-saving vaccines to protect the elderly, children, and vulnerable populations. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in the Democratic Party, in government, and in every part of our community & economy.
Over the past twenty years, I’ve lived in Somerville as a renter, a proud homeowner, a Democratic activist, Chair of the Democratic Party in Somerville Ward 7, and Democratic State Committeeman representing Somerville, Medford, Cambridge & Winchester: I’ve helped elect dozens of our current and former Democratic officials including Gov. Healey, Sen. Warren, Sen. Markey, Gov. Patrick, State Sen. Jehlen, State Rep. Barber, and State Rep. Provost and helped transform our politics to be more inclusive and progressive. I’m proud to be represented by progressive Democrats who value equal opportunity, same-sex marriage equality, and a woman’s right to choose.
In support of our new Climate Law, working with local activists, I reached out to nearly 20,000 people in our State Senate district by mail, social media, phone, and door-knocking asking them to contact their elected officials in support of the Green New Deal for Massachusetts, and together with activists across the Commonwealth, we lobbied successfully for the historic Climate Legislation passed into law this year. With your support, we can apply those climate regulations locally and build a Healthier, Greener Massachusetts.
I invite you to join my campaign and help build a better future together. Please contact me, Justin Klekota, at to learn more.